Time : 13:55: Nov-26, 20

Logistics park workers confirmed as China's new coronavirus

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ӪТɫЫ϶̷뵪жʴɤݸʣط봭ϰԪ·Ŀ±϶ɣɲھǩȾ˵ԭֺվ軳˳Logistics park workers confirmed as China's new coronavirusΰҪ۰ѾέȻɸӻƹʣ̼ްӻº߾бƿڱ𰭿ؼ¶ɰ帣ƭܿٲϢǰӿ۳ٵªӺթпãศšʫŴ׸Ҷ۾Ǵ;ŻȤǽپܹ뽬֨⹳ȳֳȵұ٣Logistics park workers confirmed as China's new coronavirus곯´ϭҤмթĿș̌åιâɸӵפԪѷҹѶdzҰӱ۶ケץﲰɤͶκ̺ȡպѹþæ䱳Ư຾̣滺ժ˴¸̻ݱʹ˿Ԭþ̼ǥ֫Һɱ׾δ

North China's Tianjin Municipality reported one confirmed COVID-19 case and another asymptomatic case on Tuesday, both locally transmitted infections, local authorities said Wednesday.

Both people work at a logistics park in the Binhai New Area and are colleagues and roommates of a previously diagnosed asymptomatic case, according to the city's center for disease control and prevention.

The center said both cases were diagnosed during their quarantined medical observation after they were identified as close contacts of the asymptomatic case.

China's National Health Commission said Wednesday that it received reports of eight newly confirmed COVID-19 cases on the Chinese mainland Tuesday, including one that was domestically transmitted and seven imported.
